meat rabbits
Meat Rabbits are a great alternative to chickens! They are also easier to dispatch than chickens are. There is a use for their hide/fur where as there is no use for the feathers that chickens produce.
We have a group of domestic mix and a group of Pure bred New Zealand red eye whites (REW) with a total of 5 does and 3 bucks currently. |
RogerRoger is our resident buck. He is a New Zealand/Rex mix. Purchased from KTs Hippity Hoppity Rabbitry based in Newport News, VA.
rubyRuby is a Flemish Giant / New Zealand mix. She has proven to be a great mama and produces pretty and large babies. We love seeing what color babies she has for us!
OnyxOnyx is a New Zealand rabbit, according to who we got her from. LOL. Onyx has some long hair on her head and paws which indicates she has some lionhead or another long haired rabbit breed mixed into her line somewhere.
Opal I got Opal from a random animal swap that I went to at the end of 2022. She is a proven doe and we are excited to add her to our rabbitry! Though she did not prove to be proven on her first two litters here, she pulled through on her third. Welcome to the team, Opal!